Friday, April 24, 2009

the reason for the blogging season...

Well, I am going to Namibia. In approximately three weeks, actually, I will be getting on a plane (much to my soul's delight) and traveling for what will seem like the remainder of my life to a country that is home to one of the oldest deserts in the world, as well as the famous Skeleton Coast. Namibia is located in southern Africa, near South Africa, Angola, and Botswana:

The Skeleton Coast, which is completely irrelevant to where I will be living and what I will be doing, is located on the western coast and is littered with the skeletons of old ship wrecks, whales, and seals...which I think is kind of cool.

So, here I will be for the summer, in the capital city of Namibia: Windhoek. I will be completing an independent study through my social work program at UGA, studying resource delivery in rural areas, while simultaneously volunteering with the organization Bicycle Empowerment Network Namibia (BEN Namibia). BEN Namibia is a pretty stellar organization seeking to empower individuals all across the country by providing avenues for sustainable transportation (the bikes), providing bicycle ambulances in rural areas, and creating all of these really neat bicycle repair shops where people will have access to sustainable income generating opportunities. I am beyond excited!

This blog was created, mostly for my mother, but as a way for me to let those who care have a way of keeping up with what's going on with my Namibian social work journey throughout the coming months. My intent is to post pictures and stories as often as possible, we'll see how we go. :)

And, If your pockets aren't empty by the economic crisis of the ages, and you would like to partner in said endeavors, there are many a way you could do so...

First, you can make a donation directly to the costs of my volunteering study, which is so graciously being made possible through personal donations, UGA financial support, and some wonderful help from BEN Namibia. Such costs include the flight, immunizations, living expenses, etc. I completely understand that the economic times are hard, and appreciate any support you may be able to offer....

(if the link doesn't work, there is another at the top right of the page)

If you are looking for a partnering option that is a little more tax deductible, you can donate directly to BEN Namibia. By following the link below, you will find more information about the organization and ways that your money can have an impact on lives of disenfranchised individuals in Namibia. I am so excited to be working with them this summer, and will be able to see first hand how your dough is making a difference! :)

And finally, (the monetary options are endless) you can partner by supporting the organization that helped connect me with BEN Namibia. This non-profit is called Promote Africa, and is focused on a myriad of different development projects all throughout Africa, but primarily in Namibia. Promote Africa's home-base is in Athens, Georgia, and they have let me help with a lot of their grant writing efforts this past year...

And that is the end for the longest post ever...with much more to come!


continuous caving...

So, it's on to the blog world, then...I am always so far behind with the internet technology, however, I do seem to continuously cave  in and hop on the proverbial bandwagon...such as myspace and facebook. Although, given my track record with the two of these, I'm thinking this blog will have a short lifespan...three months to be exact. :)